Banking in Early Franklin County by Martha Gardner
Vice-President Wheeler: An Unsung Champion of Civil Rights? by Jim Britell & Wayne Miller
Goldsmith Through the Years by Waldo Tomosky
Letters of Hunger and Hope by Ted Mills
Word From Siberia, 1919
The Saga of Uncle Ross and the Chickens by Tracy Edwards
From the Journal of Rev. Eleazar Williams
The Battle of Trout River by Jim Lacross
Memories: Ice Cream Memories by Wayne Miller
Memories: Sharing An Ancestral Home by Peggy Roulston
Memories of Mom's Chickens by Theresa McCabe Premo
Memories: On Losing Your Marbles by Jim Lacross
Postcard Glimpses of Franklin County History by Peggy Roulston
Volume 51 (2016)
Philander Deming: Burke's Illustrious Court Reporter by Herbert Hallas
Paul Smith and His Hotel: The Saratoga of the Adirondacks by Dave Waite
The Lynch Brothers Store by Diane Taylor
More Words From the Past
Letters and Images from World War One
Honor Roll of Those Who Made the Ultimate Sacrifice
Memories: The Doctor Meets the Train by John Dalphin
Memories: First Congregational Church: Malone's Signature Building by Jim LaCoss
Memories: Sunday Drives by The FHR Editors
Postcard Glimpses of Franklin County History by Peggy Roulston
Volume 52 (2017)
A Trip to Lake Meacham by Dave Waite
From Ringville to Owls Head by Waldo Tomosky
Company K - 100 Years Ago in the "Great War" Edited by Martha Gardner
Spanish Influenza in Franklin County 1918-1919 by John Dalphin
Wash Day by Jim Lacoss
Postcard Glimpses of Franklin County History by Peggy Roulston
The Home Front by FHR Editors
Volume 53 (2018)
Happy Birthday, Vice-President Wheeler! by Martha Gardner
Jonathan Thompson & the First Stage Line in Franklin County by Dave Waite
The Moaner, a Tupper Lake Legend by Carol Poole
A History of Electricity in Franklin County: A Photo Essay (adapted from a speech by Dave Werner, 2016) by Tracy Edwards
Prohibition in Franklin County by John Dalphin
Postcard Glimpses of Franklin County by Peggy Roulston
Dancing in the Gym by Peggy Roulston
The Neighborly Path on Sunset Ridge by John Dalphin
An Attic Discovery by Carol Poole
Volume 54 (2019)
John Hurd and the Lumbermen of the Northern Adirondack Railroad by Dave Waite
Will Martin Tragedy February 2-3, 1902 by Richard E. Tucker
Passage of the 19th Amendment: Suffragettes of Franklin County by Nancy Rogers
Mini Editorial about Women’s Suffrage, Malone Palladium, November 8, 1894
Two Years in the Life of Dr. Percival Freeman Dalphin: 1920-1921 by John F. Dalphin
The Rural School of 50 Years Ago (reprint from 1971) by Sarah R. Koch
The Country Schoolmarm, A Memoir by Gwendolyn Kelley
My Pandemic Classroom by Tracy Edwards
Student Responses to the Pandemic
Tupper Lake Dad edited by Carol Poole
Do You Remember? by Peggy Roulston
Volume 55 (2020-2021)
The Franklin Historical Review has been published annually since 1964, and contains articles of scholarly and whimsical interest on varied topics related to the history of Franklin County, NY. Current and back issues are available for purchase in our Country Store Gift Shop. The most recent issues of the review are available through our online store, simply by following the highlighted link on this page. You may also order by emailing us at or calling us at 518.483.2750. Cash, check or credit cards accepted.
The Franklin Historical Review is a benefit of Membership with FCHMS. All members receive a copy of the review annually. If you would like to learn more about becoming a member, click here: FCHMS MEMBERSHIP.
We encourage the submission of articles for consideration. The resources of the Society, including volunteer helpers, are available to aid authors in research and editing. Deadline for the next issue is July 1. In most cases, articles should be limited to 3500 words. The Editorial Committee may ask authors to make changes in their submissions, including shortening them if they exceed 3500 words.
For full Guidelines, please click here: GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS
Historical Reviews Volumes 51-55 (2016-2021)