100 Years Ago-1906 by Peggy Roulston

Abolition's Early Roots in Franklin County by Peter Kivic

Homespun to Factory Cloth, Part II: Women's Role 
in the Franklin County Textile Industry  by Shirley Morgan

First Do No Harm: Historians, Historical Societies, and Volunteers by Robert W. Arnold II

One Boy From Bangor by Judy Mott Strong

Webster Street Cemetery, Malone, NY by Kathryn Badger Murtagh

Remembrances of Lucia Gilbert by Bill McClary, Ruth Jones Ryan, Claribel Cantwell

Volume 41  (2006)


100 Years Ago-1907 by Peggy Roulston

The First Congregational Church of Malone in its Bicentennial Year by Anne Werley Smallman

The Rising Political Star of the North Country: Bill Wheeler and the 1850 State Assembly Election  by Herbert C. Hallas

Franklin County Bicentennial Photo Album

The Spinach Knife Memories of 1942

Spinach Harvest at Langdon Farms, Malone by Bill McClary

An Adirondack Immigrant Odyssey French-Canadian

Labor in the Lumber Camps by Carol Payment Poole

Forty-Five Revolutionary War Veterans Buried in Area – Postcards from the Past by Harold F. Brown, Peggy Roulston

Volume 42  (2007)


100 Years Ago-1908 by Peggy Roulston

Franklin County's Line Stores by Larry Gooley

Tupper Lake Junction: A Village Conceived  by Carol Payment Poole

Like a Phoenix: History of the Azure Mountain Fire Tower by Harold F. Brown

Bernice Scott's Story by Barb Bilow

A Star in the Belfry: Some Memories of Teenage Years in the First Congregational Church, Malone, NY in the Late 1930's and early 1940's by Bill McClary

Memoirs and Reminiscences by Allen Hinman, M.D.

In Memory of Wild Bill – Memories of Bill Frenette, of Tupper Lake  by Mark Bowie

Volume 43  (2008)


A Memoir of FCHMS History, 2001-2008 by Ted Mills

Reflections of a Nation in Crisis -1861 by Rev. Ashbel Parmelee

The "Spring Ryans" of Chateaugay  by Mary Ellen Putnam

Was Grandpa Alex Fleury in Omaha? by Bob Byington 

Franklin County Bicentennial Legacy  by Anne Werley Smallman

The Way We Were by Gertrude Soper, with Joan Soper Dameo

The Dirty Milk Bottle Memories of Benware Creamery, Malone by Bill McClary

Postcards from the Past  by Peggy Roulston

A Closing Benediction on the Salmon River Country by Rev. Ashbel Parmelee

Volume 44  (2009)


1902 Letter about Creating a Historical Society in Franklin County by William Cantwell

The Arrest of the Flanders Brothers in Malone: Lincoln's Attack on Freedom of the Press by Herbert C. Hallas

The Dewey Golden Wedding Anniversary of 1873  by William Williamson Paddock

Sansone's Restaurant by Peggy Roulston 

All That Glitters: The Bronze Powder Works in Malone by E. S. Thomas

Burke, New York by Frieda Schryer Dixon

The History of the Farrar Home by Bill McClary

School Lunch Hours  by Bill McClary

Postcards from the Past by Peggy Roulston

Volume 45  (2010)


The Franklin Historical Review has been published annually since 1964, and contains articles of scholarly and whimsical interest on varied topics related to the history of Franklin County, NY.  Current and back issues are available for purchase in our Country Store Gift Shop.  The most recent issues of the review are available through our online store, simply by following the highlighted link on this page.  You may also order by emailing us at fcohms@northnet.org or calling us at 518.483.2750.  Cash, check or credit cards accepted.


The Franklin Historical Review is a benefit of Membership with FCHMS.  All members receive a copy of the review annually.  If you would like to learn more about becoming a member, click here: FCHMS MEMBERSHIP.




We encourage the submission of articles for consideration.  The resources of the Society, including volunteer helpers, are available to aid authors in research and editing.  Deadline for the next issue is July 1.  In most cases, articles should be limited to 3500 words.  The Editorial Committee may ask authors to make changes in their submissions, including shortening them if they exceed 3500 words.  


For full Guidelines, please click here: GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS

Historical Reviews Volumes 41-45 (2006-2010)